the popular 1999-2009 Statehood Quarters program, the United
State Mint is issuing commemorative quarters with special
reverse designs celebrating national parks and other national
sites. From 2010 through 2021, a park or site is being honored
in each of the 50 states and 6 territories. Each national
park or site was selected for its natural or historical
significance. The 56 different designs are featured on the
reverse side of the coin and are representative of the unique
character and environment of the national park or historic
site. The obverse side of the coin features a smaller restoration
of the original washington quarter portrait, modeled from
designer John Flanagan's 1932 plaster.
Littleton national parks quarter folder Vol.2 holds quarters
of 2016 through 2021, both
D and P one coin each, total 60 quarters. |